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Sticking Up For Children in New Orleans has two partners in Haiti, the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) in Port-au-Prince, founded by Marie-Jose Poux, and the Youpi, Youpi School in Cayes Jacmel, 73 miles south of Port-au-Prince on Haiti's southern coast, directed by Lupson Pasteur (known as "Ti-Pas"). 


Marie-Jose Poux (known as "Marie-Jo") founded the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants in 2009. FEPE had an enrollment of 14 resident orphans when the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010 struck, killing more than 300,000 Haitians. FEPE had to change locations after the earthquake, Its number of resident orphans soon increased to 34.  Now FEPE now serves a resident population of 35 and more than 180 studnents in its Ecole.


Lupson Pasteur, or "Ti-Pas", a building contractor, also answered post-earthquake needs in Haiti. He began the Youpi Youpi School in early 2010. The current enrollment of Youpi Youpi in Cayes Jacmel is 64 children, their ages two to ten years old. Despite ravages from Hurricanes and cholera, Youpi Youpi has added one Grade of schooling each year since 2010! A 4th Grade there is intended for 2014. 


Children at FEPE have contributed phenomenally rich art-work to drumsticks donated to Sticking Up For Children.  as the Kuumba Insitute at the Ashe' Cultural Arts Center and the New Orleans Youth Sound Exchange (NOYSE) classes in sound-recording.


Proceeds from our first batch of one-of-a-kind, Beautiful (pronounced 'Bee-you--tee-full" in some households) Drumsticks will go toward sustaining the four Beneficiaries of

Sticking Up For Children in New Orleans.


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